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Photo Galleries From Past PreK Classes

Pre-Kindergarten Course of Study


Students focus on a specific letter each week. Lessons include phonics, phonemic awareness, letter recognition, letter formation, and fine motor skills. Multiple activities are used to learn important foundational concepts using the Johnny Can Spell curriculum.


Literature is taught through shared reading, echo reading, poetry and rhymes. Stories and books are carefully chosen to enhance unit studies that provide cross-content learning.


The children will learn numbers, counting, addition and subtraction, graphing, measurement, shapes, positions, patterns and sorting through the rich, hands-on, Everyday Math curriculum and additional exercises.


Unit focused, teacher-created lessons exploring  the following areas using STEM activities: The Five Senses, Sun/Moon and sky, Plants, Seasons, Forces & Motion, Magnets, Frogs, and Ocean.

Social Studies 

Using STEM activities and other resources the following Units of study are explored: Transportation, Recycling, Our Community, Community Helpers, Dr. Seuss, Nursery Rhymes, Fairy Tales, Holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc.), and Friendship.


Students cover both Old and New Testament stories. The overview will include creation, Noah’s ark, Abraham, Daniel, Paul, Jesus’ birth and death, and many of Jesus’ miracles, using Positive Action Bible Curriculum.

Field Trips 

Field trips include: : Farmhouse Creamery, Watercrest Nursing Home, The Farm Patch, Easterwood Airport, Bryan Fire Station, College Station Police Department, Children’s Museum of the Brazos Valley, Ringer Public Library, and Edgewater Park.  


During once a week 30-minute sessions, students will learn computer rules, various computer components, and computer terminology while exploring games and websites created to sharpen digital skills. They will also begin to learn basic keyboarding and mouse skills while practicing letter and sound recognition using Typing Club Jungle Junior. Students will be introduced to robotics and coding/programming, using Code and Go Mouse and Beebot. All students will learn Digital Citizenship throughout the year and practice applying Christian principles and a Biblical worldview in the digital world.

Fine Motor Lab

Fine motor skills are the ability to make movements using the small muscles in the hands and wrists. These skills involve the coordination of the hands and fingers with the eyes. Improving these skills is a really important part of a child’s development, as we use fine motor skills in a variety of ways every day.

In the Pre-K Fine Motor Lab class, various activities are planned to involve a child’s dominant and non-dominant hand working together. Students are provided a variety of materials, games and experiences to build strong fine motor skills.


Students explore the musical world by singing, playing instruments, creating, and listening. Movement and play are key elements of the child-centered curriculum informed by the philosophies and practices of Orff, Kodály, and Dalcroze. Students will sing in several programs throughout the year which include the Christmas play, Grandparents Day, In His Steps, and weekly in chapel. 


Students will be introduced to many different authors, illustrators, and a variety of literature genres. Students attend library once a week for 30 minutes.


Students will explore motor skills and movement patterns using an integrated curriculum. They will learn responsible personal and social behavior in a variety of physical activity settings. They will be provided frequent and diverse opportunities to engage in physical activities necessary to support a healthy mind and body. Students attend P.E. four times a week for 30 minutes each class. At least one day per week will be dedicated to our "Eagle Running Program," a self-paced activity specifically focused on improving cardiovascular fitness.


Grammar School students enjoy Chapel once a week in two sessions: PreK through second grades and third through sixth grades. In order to study and apply meaning, the yearly school-wide Scripture is divided into sections for each month. In Chapel, Grammar School worships in song, Scripture, and prayer, followed by a special speaker who teaches the specific passage in a developmentally appropriate way. Our speakers include local pastors, children’s ministers, youth leaders, Christian camp directors, parents, and BCS teachers, staff, and administrators. All would agree that Chapel is the favorite time of the week!


Students have the opportunity to learn socialization skills through play and free activities outdoors. Lunch recess occurs after students are dismissed after eating and generally is 10-15 minutes per day. In addition, students enjoy a 20-30 minute recess daily.