Third Grade Course of Study
The Shurley English program is a sequentially oriented curriculum that incorporates the use of rhythm, repetition and student/teacher interaction. Additionally, students connect English usage to writing and spelling. Writing mechanics stressed include complete sentences and punctuation.
Students receive word study lessons, including letter/sound relationships, spelling patterns, high-frequency words, word structure and word-solving actions using words from our studies of literature, math, science, and history. Students gain understanding of prefixes, suffixes, irregular words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, contractions and other word forms with practice opportunities in writing assignments.
Reading Literature
Examples of third grade novels include: The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Hour of the Olympics, Ancient Greece and the Olympics, Misty of Chincoteague, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Voyage to the Volcano, Pompeii…Buried Alive, Detectives in Togas, Tales from the Odyssey, and The Trojan Horse.
Students develop a conceptual understanding of math using a combination of kinesthetic, auditory, and visual techniques before being asked to put these skills onto paper. Additionally, emphasis is placed on fact mastery. Topics covered in the enVision Math curriculum include numeration, addition, subtraction, number sense, multiplication, division, fractions, patterns, whole numbers, fractions on the number line, geometry, measurement, graphing, and problem solving.
In the Water Module, students investigate the properties of water in its three common states: solid, liquid, and gas. They observe and record what happens to water as it is heated, cooled, frozen, evaporated, condensed, and allowed to interact with soil and gravel. They explore components of the water cycle. Water supply, purification, treatment and conservation are introduced in the Foss curriculum. Students construct waterwheels to demonstrate that the power of falling water can be harnessed to do work.
In the Soils, Rocks, & Landforms Module, students gain firsthand experience with soils and rocks and modeling experiences using tools such as topographic maps and stream tables to study changes to rocks and landforms at earth’s surface.
Social Studies/History
Students gain an in-depth knowledge of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, including the geography, daily life, government, mythology, art, language, entertainment, and military power of each ancient civilization using The Story of the World – History of the Classical Child, volume 1: Ancient Times curriculum and History Pockets. Students experience each aspect through hands-on activities and projects.
This program focuses on the life of Abraham, Sarah, and Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph from the book of Genesis. It then moves through the story of Ruth and finishes with the life of Daniel from the book of Daniel. Students learn to probe the Word of God for answers to daily living. The Growing with God (A Positive Action Bible) curriculum uses various levels and types of thinking skills and all lessons focus on the development of internal character. A pattern of scripture memory is developed and an active prayer life is encouraged. Biblical vocabulary and map work skills are also developed.
Students begin building their knowledge of Latin by using the Song School Latin Book 1 workbooks provided in 3rd grade. They learn Latin vocabulary words, derivatives, and famous phrases.
Field Trips
Field trips in third grade include: Waco Mammoth Site, The Mayborn Children’s Museum, the Dr. Pepper Museum and students experience their own Roman Market.
During once a week 30-minute sessions, students will continue keyboarding lessons through Typing Club. Students will gain knowledge in word processing projects as they create documents and presentations in Microsoft Word and Powerpoint. Using Dash, Sphero Bolt and Indi Robots, our students will be introduced to coding and robotics. All students will learn Digital Citizenship throughout the year and practice applying Christian principles and a Biblical worldview in the digital world.
The goal of Visual Arts in the third grade art curriculum is to lay a firm foundation for the development of individual creative potential. Additionally, students will develop and sharpen observation and problem-solving skills through the exploration of a wide variety of art media with an emphasis on God’s elements of design, which include Line, Shape, Color, Value, Form, Texture, and Space. Also, students begin exploring the fine arts through the study of artists past and present and learn to apply design techniques to their own inspired artwork. Throughout the year each student will have opportunities to create a variety of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional art pieces.
Students explore the musical world by singing, playing instruments, creating, and listening. Movement and play are key elements of the child-centered curriculum informed by the philosophies and practices of Orff, Kodály, and Dalcroze. Keyword: synthesis. Throughout the school year students will learn and discover rhythm patterns, and musical notations through interaction with music games and instruments. Students will sing in several programs throughout the year which include the Christmas play, Grandparents Day, In His Steps, and weekly in chapel.
Students will be introduced to a variety of authors, illustrators, and literary genres. Additionally, important researching skills will be explored. Activities include Author visits, guest readers, Book Clubs, and reading competition and a variety of school wide reading events.
Students will explore motor skills and movement patterns using an integrated curriculum. They will learn responsible personal and social behavior in a variety of physical activity settings. They will be provided frequent and diverse opportunities to engage in physical activities necessary to support a healthy mind and body. Students attend P.E. four times a week for 30 minutes each class. At least one day per week will be dedicated to our "Eagle Running Program," a self-paced activity specifically focused on improving cardiovascular fitness.
Grammar School students enjoy Chapel once a week in two sessions: PreK through second grades and third through sixth grades. In order to study and apply meaning, the yearly school-wide Scripture is divided into sections for each month. In Chapel, Grammar School worships in song, Scripture, and prayer, followed by a special speaker who teaches the specific passage in a developmentally appropriate way. Our speakers include local pastors, children’s ministers, youth leaders, Christian camp directors, parents, and BCS teachers, staff, and administrators. All would agree that Chapel is the favorite time of the week!
Students have the opportunity to learn socialization skills through play and free activities outdoors. Lunch recess occurs after students are dismissed after eating and generally is 10-15 minutes per day. In addition, students enjoy a 20-30 minute recess daily.