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Helpful Resources For Our Parents

Here are the most common features our parents ask about and utilize — ALL IN ONE PLACE!

Grace Day Forms

Grammar School Grace Day Form 

Logic & Rhetoric Schools Grace Day Form 

Teacher/Staff Favorites

View BCS Teacher/Staff Favorites

Prayer Request Form

BCS Prayer Request Form

Lunch Dropoff Procedures

If your student forgets their lunch and/or you want to bring lunch up to school, please do the following: 

  1. SIGN IN at the Administration, Grammar School, or Rhetoric School Office 
  2. LABEL your student’s lunch with Name and Grade 
  3. For Grammar School and Logic School, take it to the LUNCH DROP OFF TABLE found in the GS Commons 

Our lunchroom volunteers will assist your student in finding his/her lunch. This will reduce disruptions to learning time in the classroom.

Lunch Ordering Procedures

Due to the fact that BCS does not have a full kitchen, we cannot offer hot lunches through the school. We have partnered with a few local restaurants to offer catered meals, at a reasonable price, for parents to order for their student(s). You may order lunches for the entire month or week by week. You can see a full menu calendar below. All drink orders must be ordered ahead of time with the student's lunch order. The deadline to order catered lunches each week is Saturday at 11 PM.

CHANGE FOR THE 2024 - 2025 SCHOOL YEAR: Lunch ordering is open for the school semester.

Instructions for ordering Lunch via FACTS app (RECOMMENDED) or online

Lunch Menu

January 2025
Monday, January, 20
Tuesday, January, 21
Wednesday, January, 22
Thursday, January, 23
Friday, January, 24


Carpool Dropoff & Pickup Procedures

The pickup and drop off area is located next to the sidewalk in front of the main building. No student should be dropped off in the parking lot area and then be expected to walk through carpool traffic. FOR SAFETY REASONS, WE ARE EXPECTING ALL STUDENTS TO BE DROPPED OFF AND PICKED UP CURBSIDE ONLY. Only those parking their cars for the academic day should park in the parking lot and then cross in the designated crosswalk area only.

Morning Carpool:

Pull your car as far forward as is available in the drop off area. Have students exit the car curbside. PreK – Kindergarten should go directly to their classrooms. 1st – 6th graders should report to the Commons. 7th — 8th grades should report to the gym. 9th — 12th grades should report to the Rhetoric School Commons.

Afternoon Carpool:

Grammar School (PreK - 6th) - Students will remain in the classrooms and wait for their names to be called. They will be asked to report to one of the outside stations for pickup. Parents should display the name(s) of your carpool with the provided card that hangs on the rearview mirror and pull forward to the station where your child is waiting. Students will be loaded curbside into the vehicle. Parents should wait until the car in front of them pulls forward before moving. At 3:35 p.m. Grammar School Students who have not been picked up and who do not have an older sibling they are meeting for the Logic and Rhetoric Schools (7th — 12th) carpool will be sent to Extended Care. Extended Day fees will be charged after the 3:35 p.m. pick-up deadline. 

Logic School (7th - 8th) and Rhetoric School (9th - 12th) - Students will be dismissed at 3:35 p.m. Parents should pull as far forward as available in the carpool pick-up area. All students should remain in their designated carpool areas until they have been picked up.

Upcoming Events

January 23 - Thursday
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

05:00 PM - 06:00 PM

06:00 PM - 07:00 PM

06:15 PM - 07:15 PM

07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

07:30 PM - 08:30 PM
January 24 - Friday
January 25 - Saturday

11:00 AM - 12:15 PM

12:15 PM - 01:15 PM

01:30 PM - 03:00 PM
January 27 - Monday
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
January 28 - Tuesday

05:00 PM - 06:00 PM

06:15 PM - 07:15 PM

07:30 PM - 08:30 PM
January 30 - Thursday
08:00 AM - 08:00 PM

February 1 - Saturday

BCS Library

You can see what books are available at the school library from your own computer. 
Username: 1st initial of First Name + Last Name
Pin: Last Name


School Uniforms

Monday through Thursday, PreK - 8th grade students must wear the standard BCS uniform. On Fridays, students are allowed to wear their Spirit Shirt and jeans. Tennis shoes are required every day for the purpose of PE and recess.


Examples of Uniforms