Sixth Grade Course of Study
The Shurley English program is a sequentially oriented curriculum that incorporates the use of rhythm, repetition, and student/teacher interaction. Areas covered include the eight parts of speech, sentence types, sentence structure, capitalization, punctuation, and sentence classification.
Using Shell Education, students build familiarity with common spelling patterns and rules. The students’ decoding skills will also be strengthened. The tasks in this series are meaning-based, so students cannot complete the tasks successfully without knowledge of the words’ definitions or parts of speech.
The Shurley English program is a sequentially oriented curriculum that uses writing (descriptive, persuasive, narrative, research, etc.) to apply and practice the aforementioned Shurley English grammar concepts.
Literature read in the sixth grade includes The Candymakers, The Jungle Book, Geography Matters in Ancient Egypt, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Bronze Bow, and Peak.
In grade 6, students use the Texas Math, Course 1 (McGraw Hill) curriculum to explore and master concepts representative of six focal areas:
- Mathematical Processes
- Number and Operations, including rational numbers and integers
- Proportionality, including ratios and percents
- Algebraic Expressions, Equations, and Relationships
- Measurement and Data
- Personal Financial Literacy
Problem solving, manipulatives, group activities, and math games are implemented for greater conceptual understanding.
In sixth grade, students will use the Foss curriculum to learn more about God’s creation! Experiments and hands-on activities will bring science topics to a greater level of conceptual understanding during the first quarter. Then, students will learn why it is important to take care of the body God created as they study about health and nutrition during the second quarter. The nutrition unit will include fat and sugar tests and a “Restaurant Menu” project. Beginning in January, each student will choose an individual science fair project to complete, providing great experience for truly understanding the scientific method. During the fourth quarter, students will use the Foss Earth History textbook to learn about the earth and its landforms.
Students use the History Alive! The Ancient World curriculum to study Early Civilization, Mesopotamian Empires, Ancient Egypt, the origins of Judaism, Ancient India, and Ancient China. Additionally, daily geography activities provide students with a more in-depth understanding of the world.
Students use the Winning the Race (Positive Action for Christ) curriculum to conduct multiple character studies from the Old and New Testaments and study the life of Christ. Students memorize scripture, including Romans 8: 28-39, Proverbs 17, and Romans 12: 1-21. Reciting memory verses weekly aids in hiding God's word in our hearts.
Students build on their knowledge of Latin by continuing in the Latin for Children: Primer A workbooks provided in 5th grade. They learn Latin conjugation/declension endings, vocabulary words, roots, and famous phrases. Decoding English words based on Latin roots is ongoing throughout the year.
Field Trips
Field trips in the sixth grade include: Hope Pregnancy Center, and Camp Allen.
During once a week 30-minute sessions, students will sharpen keyboarding skills through Typing Club. All students learn Digital Citizenship and perform online research. Students will gain knowledge in word processing projects as they create documents, presentations and graphs in Google Docs, Slides and Sheets. Our students are also introduced to coding and robotics using Dash, Sphero Bolt and Indi Robots. All students will learn Digital Citizenship throughout the year and practice applying Christian principles and a Biblical worldview in the digital world.
The goal of Visual Arts in the sixth grade art curriculum is to develop the knowledge of God’s character in creation through the visual arts. Furthermore, a goal to instill a love for art history through the study of the individual lives and works of master artists is explored. The purpose is to expand the students’ knowledge of God’s elements of design, which include Line, Shape, Color, Value, Form, Texture, and Space. Also students will perfect their techniques of production and be stretched in their knowledge of the principles of design, including Balance, Contrast, Emphasis, Movement, Pattern, Rhythm, and Unity. Throughout the year each student will have opportunities to create a variety of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional art pieces.
Sixth Grade Choir
Students put the musical knowledge and skills they have learned into practice resulting in music literacy development, personal musicianship and foundational ensemble skills. Students will sing a wide variety of repertoire chosen for its educational value, spiritual, artistic, and cultural significance. This Choir will put on four concerts a year using all these skills. Students will also compete in the solo and ensemble competitions.
Sixth Grade Band
Students put musical knowledge and skills into practice by playing instruments in a traditional concert band setting. Music is selected from a wide variety of cultural, historical, and spiritual settings with educational benefits in mind. Beginning band students may select one of the following instruments to play: flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, trumpet, trombone, or euphonium.
Students will be introduced to many different authors and illustrators through a variety of literary genres. Students will develop research skills using reference material and computers. Activities include Author visits, guest readers, reading competitions and a variety of school wide reading events. Students attend library once a week for 30 minutes.
Students will explore motor skills and movement patterns using an integrated curriculum. They will learn responsible personal and social behavior in a variety of physical activity settings. They will be provided frequent and diverse opportunities to engage in physical activities necessary to support a healthy mind and body. Students attend P.E. four times a week for 30 minutes each class. At least one day per week will be dedicated to our "Eagle Running Program," a self-paced activity specifically focused on improving cardiovascular fitness.
Grammar School students enjoy Chapel once a week in two sessions: PreK through second grades and third through sixth grades. In order to study and apply meaning, the yearly school-wide Scripture is divided into sections for each month. In Chapel, Grammar School worships in song, Scripture, and prayer, followed by a special speaker who teaches the specific passage in a developmentally appropriate way. Our speakers include local pastors, children’s ministers, youth leaders, Christian camp directors, parents, and BCS teachers, staff, and administrators. All would agree that Chapel is the favorite time of the week!
Students have the opportunity to learn socialization skills through play and free activities outdoors. Lunch recess occurs after students are dismissed after eating and generally is 10-15 minutes per day. In addition, students enjoy a 20-30 minute recess daily.